Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Teacher moment Tuesday- ReadWriteThink.org

I’m always looking for new ways to make learning fun for students. Browsing the web I discovered readwritethink.org. 

www.readwritethink.org is an online resource for educators, parents, and afterschool professionals. It helps students build literacy skills, accomplish goals, and organize thoughts, all while having fun.

The site has different categories for you to choose from such as organizing & summarizing, inquiry & analysis, writing about poetry, and lots of other options.  The tools are available for grades Kindergarten through 12th grade.

The interactive tool that I liked the most was the Venn diagram, 3 circles. This interactive tool allows students to create Venn Diagrams that contain three overlapping circles. Students identify and record concepts that can be placed in one of the three circles or in the overlapping areas, allowing them to organize their information logically. Students may view and edit their draft diagrams, then print the finished diagrams for reference. 

When visiting the site I found it very easy to navigate and learn what to do. I think students would like this site. 
Here a link to the Student Interactive Page >>>>>>>>  http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/student-interactives/ 

Have a good week and don't forget to join the site with Google Friend Connect to the right. First giveaway coming soon Glamour Girls!

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Thanks for the feedback Glamour Girls!